Writing a New State Estimator Plugin


This tutorial shows how to create your own State Estimator within the AeroStack2 framework. You may want to remember AeroStack2 Architecture and its State Estimator operation.

This tutorial will be a walktrough of one existing estimators to easily understand its creation. The one explained will be the mocap estimator plugin. The code used in this tutorial can be found in Github.


  • ROS 2 Humble

  • AeroStack2

Tutorial Steps

1. Estimator Plugin Base

Following the plugin structure, all the estimators should inherit from a base class as2_state_estimator_plugin_base::StateEstimatorBase. The base class provides a set of virtual methods to override with expected controller functionality. The list of methods is presented in the table below:

List of Virtual Methods

Virtual method

Method description

Requires override?


Setup the estimator. Declare subscribers to estimation sources.



Set transformation between earth and map.


2. Overriden methods


During the setup, mocap subscriber is created and a static transformation between map and odom is published as null into the tf tree. In the mocap callback, the transformation between base_link and map is received from the mation capture system and published into the tf tree. Moreover, the speed is also estimated based on the pose information and published into the AeroStack2 designed topic (self_localization/twist).

void on_setup() override {
    mocap_pose_sub_ = node_ptr_->create_subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>(
        as2_names::topics::ground_truth::pose, as2_names::topics::ground_truth::qos,
        std::bind(&Plugin::mocap_pose_callback, this, std::placeholders::_1));

    geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped map_to_odom =
        as2::tf::getTransformation(get_map_frame(), get_odom_frame(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    has_earth_to_map_ = false;

Transformation between earth and map is not implemented in this example.

3. Exporting the plugin

Now that we have created our new estimator, we need to export it so that it would be visible to the State Estimator Node. Plugins are loaded at runtime and if they are not visible, then our node won’t be able to load it. In ROS 2, exporting and loading plugins is handled by pluginlib.

To achieve that, class as2_state_estimator_plugin_mocap::Plugin is loaded dynamically from as2_state_estimator_plugin_base::StateEstimatorBase which is the base class.

  1. To export the controller, we need to provide two lines:

#include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.hpp>
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(as2_state_estimator_plugin_mocap::Plugin, as2_state_estimator_plugin_base::StateEstimatorBase)

It is good practice to place these lines at the end of the file but technically, you can also write at the top.

2. Next step would be to create plugin’s description file in the root directory of the package. For example, plugins.xml file in our tutorial package. This file contains following information:

  • library path: Plugin’s library name and it’s location.

  • class name: Name of the class.

  • class type: Type of class.

  • base class: Name of the base class.

  • description: Description of the plugin.

<library path="as2_controller_plugin_speed_controller">
    <class type="mocap::Plugin" base_class_type="as2_state_estimator_plugin_base::StateEstimatorBase">
        <description>State estimator plugin for mocap optitrack.</description>

3. Next step would be to export plugin using CMakeLists.txt by using cmake function pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file(). This function installs plugin description file to share directory and sets ament indexes to make it discoverable.

pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file(${PROJECT_NAME} plugins.xml)
  1. Compile and it should be registered. Next, we’ll use this plugin.

4. Launching