
struct Acro_command

Public Members

Eigen::Vector3d PQR = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero()
double thrust = 0.0
class ACROMotion : public as2::motionReferenceHandlers::BasicMotionReferenceHandler
#include <acro_motion.hpp>

The ACROMotion class is a motion reference handler that moves the robot to a given acro.

Public Functions

explicit ACROMotion(as2::Node *node_ptr, const std::string &ns = "")

ACROMotion Constructor.


nodeas2::Node pointer.

inline ~ACROMotion()

ACROMotion Destructor.

bool sendACRO(const as2_msgs::msg::Thrust &thrust, const geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3 &angular_rates)

sendACRO sends a acro to the robot.

Using the time stamp and frame id from the thrust message. Frame id should be base_link.

  • thrust – as2_msgs::msg::Thrust to be sent.

  • angular_rates – geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3 to be sent.


true if the command was sent successfully, false otherwise.

class AerialPlatform : public as2::Node

Base class for all Aerial platforms. It provides the basic functionality for the platform. It is responsible for handling the platform state machine and the platform status. It also handles the command subscriptions and the basic platform services.

Subclassed by as2_platform_multirotor_simulator::MultirotorSimulatorPlatform, gazebo_platform::GazeboPlatform

Public Functions

explicit AerialPlatform(const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options = rclcpp::NodeOptions())

Construct a new Aerial Platform object, with default parameters.

AerialPlatform(const std::string &ns, const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options = rclcpp::NodeOptions())

Construct a new Aerial Platform object, with default parameters.

inline ~AerialPlatform()
virtual void configureSensors() = 0

Configures the platform sensors.

virtual bool ownSendCommand() = 0

Handles how a command must be sended in the concrete platform.


true command is sended successfully.


false command is not sended.

virtual bool ownSetArmingState(bool state) = 0

Handles how arming state has to be settled in the concrete platform.


state – true for arming the platform, false to disarm.


true Arming state is settled successfully.


false Arming state is not settled.

virtual bool ownSetOffboardControl(bool offboard) = 0

Handles how offboard mode has to be settled in the concrete platform.


offboard – true if offboard mode is enabled.


true Offboard mode is settled successfully.


false Offboard mode is not settled.

virtual bool ownSetPlatformControlMode(const as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &msg) = 0

Handles how the control mode has to be settled in the concrete platform.


control_mode – as2_msgs::msg::PlatformControlMode with the new control mode.


true Control mode is settled successfully.


false Control mode is not settled.

inline virtual bool ownTakeoff()

Handles the platform takeoff command.


true Takeoff command is sended successfully.


false Takeoff command is not sended.

inline virtual bool ownLand()

Handles the platform landing command.


true Landing command is sended successfully.


false Landing command is not sended.

virtual void ownKillSwitch() = 0

Handles the platform emergency kill switch command. This means stop the motors inmediately, this cannot be reversed. USE WITH CAUTION.

virtual void ownStopPlatform() = 0

Handles the platform emergency stop command. STOP means to hover as best as possible. This hover is different from the hover in the platform control mode. And when it is activated the platform will stop hearing commands from AS2. USE WITH CAUTION.

inline bool handleStateMachineEvent(const as2_msgs::msg::PlatformStateMachineEvent &event)

Set the State Machine Event object.


event – Event to





inline bool handleStateMachineEvent(const int8_t &event)
inline bool getArmingState() const

Get whether the platform is armed or not.


true Armed


false Disarmed

inline bool getConnectedStatus() const

Get wheter the connection is established or not.


true Connection active


false Connection not active

inline bool getOffboardMode() const

Get whether offboard mode is active or not.


true Offboard mode enabled


false Offboard mode disabled

inline as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &getControlMode()

Get current platform control mode.


as2_msgs::msg::PlatformControlMode current platform control mode

inline bool isControlModeSettled() const

Get whether a control mode is active or not.


true Control mode set and valid


false Control mode unset

Protected Functions

bool setArmingState(bool state)

Set the arm state of the platform.


state – True to arm the platform, false to disarm it.


true Armimg state setted successfully.


false Armimg state not setted successfully.

bool setOffboardControl(bool offboard)

Set the offboard control mode.


offboard – True if the offboard control mode is enabled.


true if the offboard control mode is setted properly


false if the offboard control mode could not be setted.

bool setPlatformControlMode(const as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &msg)

Set the control mode of the platform.


msg – as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode message with the new control mode desired.


true If the control mode is set properly.


false If the control mode could not be set properly.

bool takeoff()

Handles the platform takeoff command.


true Takeoff command is sended successfully.


false Takeoff command is not sended.

bool land()

Handles the platform landing command.


true Landing command is sended successfully.


false Landing command is not sended.

void alertEvent(const as2_msgs::msg::AlertEvent &msg)

Handles the platform emergency event.


msg – as2_msgs::msg::AlertEvent message with the emergency event.

virtual void sendCommand()

Send command to the platform.

Protected Attributes

float cmd_freq_
float info_freq_
as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints command_trajectory_msg_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped command_pose_msg_
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped command_twist_msg_
as2_msgs::msg::Thrust command_thrust_msg_
as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo platform_info_msg_
bool has_new_references_ = false

Private Functions

void initialize()
void loadControlModes(const std::string &filename)
inline void publishPlatformInfo()

Publishes the platform info message.

void alertEventCallback(const as2_msgs::msg::AlertEvent::SharedPtr msg)
void setPlatformControlModeSrvCall(const std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::srv::SetControlMode::Request> request, std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::srv::SetControlMode::Response> response)

Set Aircraft Control Mode Service Callback.

  • request

  • response

void setArmingStateSrvCall(const std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Request> request, std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Response> response)

Set Aircraft Arming State Service Callback.

  • request

  • response

void setOffboardModeSrvCall(const std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Request> request, std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Response> response)

Set Aircraft Offboard Mode Service Callback.

  • request

  • response

void platformTakeoffSrvCall(const std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Request> request, std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Response> response)

Takeoff Service Callback.

  • request

  • response

void platformLandSrvCall(const std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Request> request, std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Response> response)

Land Service Callback.

  • request

  • response

void listControlModesSrvCall(const std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::srv::ListControlModes::Request> request, std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::srv::ListControlModes::Response> response)

get list of available Control Modes Service Callback

  • request

  • response

Private Members

bool sending_commands_ = false
rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr platform_cmd_timer_
rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr platform_info_timer_
as2::PlatformStateMachine state_machine_
std::vector<uint8_t> available_control_modes_
rclcpp::Publisher<as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo>::SharedPtr platform_info_pub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints>::SharedPtr trajectory_command_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr pose_command_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr twist_command_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::Thrust>::SharedPtr thrust_command_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::AlertEvent>::SharedPtr alert_event_sub_
rclcpp::Service<as2_msgs::srv::SetControlMode>::SharedPtr set_platform_mode_srv_
rclcpp::Service<std_srvs::srv::SetBool>::SharedPtr set_arming_state_srv_
rclcpp::Service<std_srvs::srv::SetBool>::SharedPtr set_offboard_mode_srv_
rclcpp::Service<std_srvs::srv::SetBool>::SharedPtr platform_takeoff_srv_
rclcpp::Service<std_srvs::srv::SetBool>::SharedPtr platform_land_srv_
rclcpp::Service<as2_msgs::srv::ListControlModes>::SharedPtr list_control_modes_srv_
class AlphanumericViewer : public as2::Node

Public Types

using CallbackReturn = rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface::CallbackReturn

Public Functions

void run()
void setupNode()
void printSummaryMenu()
void printSensorMenu()
void printNavigationMenu()
void printPlatformMenu()
void printStream(double var, bool aux)
void printStream3(float var, bool aux)
void printStream(float var, bool aux)
void printSummaryValues()
void printNavigationValues()
void printSensorValues()
void printPlatformValues()
void printBattery()
void printQuadrotorState()
void printControlModeInYaw()
void printControlModeInControl()
void printControlModeInFrame()
void printControlModeOutYaw()
void printControlModeOutControl()
void printControlModeOutFrame()
void printPlatformStatus(int line)
void clearValues()
virtual CallbackReturn on_configure(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State&) override

Callback for the configure state.





virtual CallbackReturn on_deactivate(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State&) override

Callback for the deactivate state.





virtual CallbackReturn on_shutdown(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State&) override

Callback for the shutdown state.





Private Functions

void poseCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr _msg)
void twistCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::SharedPtr _msg)
void batteryCallback(const sensor_msgs::msg::BatteryState::SharedPtr _msg)
void imuCallback(const sensor_msgs::msg::Imu::SharedPtr _msg)
void platformCallback(const as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo::SharedPtr _msg)
void actuatorPoseCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr _msg)
void actuatorThrustCallback(const as2_msgs::msg::Thrust::SharedPtr _msg)
void actuatorSpeedCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::SharedPtr _msg)
void controllerCallback(const as2_msgs::msg::ControllerInfo::SharedPtr _msg)
void poseReferenceCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr _msg)
void speedReferenceCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::SharedPtr _msg)
void gpsCallback(const sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix::SharedPtr _msg)

Private Members

rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr self_localization_pose_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr self_localization_speed_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::BatteryState>::SharedPtr battery_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Imu>::SharedPtr imu_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Temperature>::SharedPtr temperature_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo>::SharedPtr status_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr actuator_command_pose_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::Thrust>::SharedPtr actuator_command_thrust_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr actuator_command_twist_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::ControllerInfo>::SharedPtr controller_info_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr position_reference_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr speed_reference_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix>::SharedPtr gps_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode>::SharedPtr control_mode_sub_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped self_localization_pose_
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped self_localization_twist_
sensor_msgs::msg::BatteryState battery_status_
sensor_msgs::msg::Imu imu_
as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo platform_info_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped actuator_pose_
as2_msgs::msg::Thrust actuator_thrust_
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped actuator_twist_
as2_msgs::msg::ControllerInfo controller_info_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped reference_pose_
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped reference_twist_
sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix gps_
int battery_mode_ = 0
std::stringstream interface_printout_stream
std::stringstream pinterface_printout_stream
bool battery_aux = false
bool altitude_aux = false
bool altitude_sea_level_aux = false
bool ground_speed_aux = false
bool imu_aux = false
bool temperature_aux = false
bool platform_info_aux = false
bool current_speed_reference_aux = false
bool current_pose_reference_aux = false
bool current_trajectory_reference_aux = false
bool actuator_command_pose_aux = false
bool actuator_command_twist_aux = false
bool actuator_command_thrust_aux = false
bool current_pose_aux = false
bool current_speed_aux = false
bool controller_info_aux = false
bool gps_aux = false
bool thrust_aux = false
int last_received_yaw_mode
int last_received_control_mode
int last_received_reference_frame
char command = 0
int window = 0
class ArmService : public nav2_behavior_tree::BtServiceNode<std_srvs::srv::SetBool>

Public Functions

ArmService(const std::string &xml_tag_name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &conf)
virtual void on_tick() override

Function to perform some user-defined operation on tick Fill in service request with information if necessary.

BT::NodeStatus on_completion(std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Response> response)
class As2ExternalObjectToTf : public as2::Node

Public Types

using CallbackReturn = rclcpp_lifecycle::node_interfaces::LifecycleNodeInterface::CallbackReturn

Public Functions

void setupNode()
void cleanupNode()
void run()
virtual CallbackReturn on_configure(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State&) override

Callback for the configure state.





virtual CallbackReturn on_deactivate(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State&) override

Callback for the deactivate state.





virtual CallbackReturn on_shutdown(const rclcpp_lifecycle::State&) override

Callback for the shutdown state.





Private Functions

void loadObjects(const std::string path)
void setupGPS()
geometry_msgs::msg::TransformStamped gpsToTransform(const sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix::SharedPtr gps_pose, const float azimuth, const float pitch, const std::string frame_id, const std::string parent_frame_id)
geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion azimuthToQuaternion(const std_msgs::msg::Float32::SharedPtr azimuth)
geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion azimuthPitchToQuaternion(const float azimuth, const float pitch)
void publishPoseAsTransform(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr msg, std::string frame_id, std::string parent_frame_id)
void publishPoseAsTransform(const geometry_msgs::msg::Pose::SharedPtr msg, std::string frame_id, std::string parent_frame_id)
void poseCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr msg, std::string frame_id, std::string parent_frame_id)
void gpsCallback(const sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix::SharedPtr msg, std::string frame_id, std::string parent_frame_id)
void azimuthCallback(const std_msgs::msg::Float32::SharedPtr msg, std::string frame_id, std::string parent_frame_id)
void mocapCallback(const mocap4r2_msgs::msg::RigidBodies::SharedPtr msg, std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>> mappings)
void addStaticTransform(const as2_msgs::srv::AddStaticTransform::Request::SharedPtr request, const as2_msgs::srv::AddStaticTransform::Response::SharedPtr response)
void addStaticTransformGps(const as2_msgs::srv::AddStaticTransformGps::Request::SharedPtr request, const as2_msgs::srv::AddStaticTransformGps::Response::SharedPtr response)

Private Members

bool origin_set_ = false
bool use_sim_time = false
std::string config_path_
std::string mocap_topic_
std::vector<rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr> pose_subs_
std::vector<rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix>::SharedPtr> gps_subs_
std::vector<rclcpp::Subscription<std_msgs::msg::Float32>::SharedPtr> azimuth_subs_
rclcpp::Subscription<mocap4r2_msgs::msg::RigidBodies>::SharedPtr mocap_sub_
rclcpp::Service<as2_msgs::srv::AddStaticTransform>::SharedPtr setTrasformSrv
rclcpp::Service<as2_msgs::srv::AddStaticTransformGps>::SharedPtr setTrasformGpsSrv
geographic_msgs::msg::GeoPoint::UniquePtr origin_
std::vector<rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr> objects_subscriptions_
rclcpp::Client<as2_msgs::srv::GetOrigin>::SharedPtr get_origin_srv_
std::unique_ptr<tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster> tfBroadcaster
std::unique_ptr<tf2_ros::StaticTransformBroadcaster> staticTfBroadcaster
std::unique_ptr<as2::gps::GpsHandler> gps_handler
std::map<std::string, gps_object> gps_poses
class AStarPlanner

Public Functions

inline AStarPlanner()
inline void setOcuppancyGrid(const cv::Mat &mat)
inline void setOriginPoint(const cv::Point2i &point)
inline void setGoal(const cv::Point2i &point)
inline std::vector<cv::Point2i> solveGraph()

Private Functions

inline void addNeighborsToVisit(const NodePtr &node)
inline NodePtr findNextNodeToVisit()

Private Members

cv::Mat ocuppancy_grid_
cv::Point2i goal_
cv::Point2i origin_point_
std::unordered_map<int, NodePtr> nodes_visited_
std::unordered_map<int, NodePtr> nodes_to_visit_
std::vector<cv::Point2i> valid_movements_
class AStarSearcher : public GraphSearcher<cv::Mat>

Public Functions

nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid update_grid(const nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid &occ_grid, const Point2i &drone_pose, double safety_distance)

Update the occupancy grid.

  • occ_grid – occupancy grid

  • drone_pose – drone pose in cell coordinates

  • safety_distance – safety distance in meters

cv::Point2i cellToPixel(Point2i cell, int rows, int cols)

Convert cell coordinates to pixel coordinates.

  • cell – cell coordinates

  • rows – number of rows

  • cols – number of columns

cv::Point2i cellToPixel(Point2i cell, cv::Mat map)

Convert cell coordinates to pixel coordinates.

  • cell – cell coordinates

  • map – map

cv::Point2i cellToPixel(Point2i cell, nav_msgs::msg::MapMetaData map_info)

Convert cell coordinates to pixel coordinates.

  • cell – cell coordinates

  • map_info – map metadata

Point2i pixelToCell(cv::Point2i pixel, nav_msgs::msg::MapMetaData map_info)

Convert pixel coordinates to cell coordinates.

  • pixel – pixel coordinates

  • map_info – map metadata

cv::Mat gridToImg(nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid occ_grid, double thresh = 30, bool unknown_as_free = false)

Occupancy grid to binary image

  • occ_grid – occupancy grid

  • thresh – threshold value

  • unknown_as_free – if true, unknown cells are considered free


: binary image

nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid imgToGrid(const cv::Mat img, const std_msgs::msg::Header &header, double grid_resolution)

Binary image to occupancy grid

  • img – binary image

  • header – header of the occupancy grid

  • grid_resolution – resolution of the occupancy grid


: occupancy grid

Protected Functions

virtual double calc_h_cost(Point2i current, Point2i end) override
virtual double calc_g_cost(Point2i current) override
virtual int hash_key(Point2i point) override
virtual bool cell_in_limits(Point2i point) override
virtual bool cell_occuppied(Point2i point) override

Protected Attributes

bool use_heuristic_ = true
class AzimuthBridge : public rclcpp::Node

Public Functions


Private Members

std::shared_ptr<gz::transport::Node> ign_node_ptr_
std::string model_name_

Private Static Functions

static void ignitionGroundTruthCallback(const gz::msgs::Odometry &ign_msg, const gz::transport::MessageInfo &msg_info)
static float toEulerYaw(Quaternion q)
static float toAzimuth(float yaw)

Private Static Attributes

static rclcpp::Publisher<std_msgs::msg::Float32>::SharedPtr ps_pub_ = nullptr
template<class MessageT>
class BasicBehavior : public as2::Node, public as2::Node

Public Types

using GoalHandleAction = rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<MessageT>
using GoalHandleAction = rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<MessageT>

Public Functions

inline explicit BasicBehavior(const std::string &name)
virtual rclcpp_action::GoalResponse onAccepted(const std::shared_ptr<const typename MessageT::Goal> goal) = 0
virtual rclcpp_action::CancelResponse onCancel(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle) = 0
virtual void onExecute(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle) = 0
inline explicit BasicBehavior(const std::string &name)
virtual rclcpp_action::GoalResponse onAccepted(const std::shared_ptr<const typename MessageT::Goal> goal) = 0
virtual rclcpp_action::CancelResponse onCancel(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle) = 0
virtual void onExecute(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle) = 0

Private Functions

inline rclcpp_action::GoalResponse handleGoal(const rclcpp_action::GoalUUID &uuid, std::shared_ptr<const typename MessageT::Goal> goal)
inline rclcpp_action::CancelResponse handleCancel(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle)
inline void handleAccepted(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle)
inline rclcpp_action::GoalResponse handleGoal(const rclcpp_action::GoalUUID &uuid, std::shared_ptr<const typename MessageT::Goal> goal)
inline rclcpp_action::CancelResponse handleCancel(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle)
inline void handleAccepted(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle)

Private Members

std::thread execution_thread_
rclcpp_action::Server<MessageT>::SharedPtr action_server_
class BasicMotionReferenceHandler

Subclassed by as2::motionReferenceHandlers::ACROMotion, as2::motionReferenceHandlers::HoverMotion, as2::motionReferenceHandlers::PositionMotion, as2::motionReferenceHandlers::SpeedInAPlaneMotion, as2::motionReferenceHandlers::SpeedMotion, as2::motionReferenceHandlers::TrajectoryMotion

Public Functions

explicit BasicMotionReferenceHandler(as2::Node *as2_ptr, const std::string &ns = "")

Protected Functions

bool sendThrustCommand()
bool sendPoseCommand()
bool sendTwistCommand()
bool sendTrajectoryCommand()
bool checkMode()

Protected Attributes

as2::Node *node_ptr_
std::string namespace_
as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints command_trajectory_msg_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped command_pose_msg_
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped command_twist_msg_
as2_msgs::msg::Thrust command_thrust_msg_
as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode desired_control_mode_

Private Functions

bool setMode(const as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &mode)

Private Static Attributes

static int number_of_instances_ = 0
static rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::ControllerInfo>::SharedPtr controller_info_sub_ = nullptr
static as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode current_mode_ = as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode()
static rclcpp::Publisher<as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints>::SharedPtr command_traj_pub_ = nullptr
static rclcpp::Publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr command_pose_pub_ = nullptr
static rclcpp::Publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr command_twist_pub_ = nullptr
static rclcpp::Publisher<as2_msgs::msg::Thrust>::SharedPtr command_thrust_pub_ = nullptr
template<typename actionT>
class BehaviorServer : public as2::Node

Public Types

using GoalHandleAction = rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<actionT>
using BehaviorStatus = as2_msgs::msg::BehaviorStatus
using start_srv = typename actionT::Impl::SendGoalService
using modify_srv = start_srv
using result_srv = typename actionT::Impl::GetResultService
using feedback_msg = typename actionT::Impl::FeedbackMessage
using goal_status_msg = typename actionT::Impl::GoalStatusMessage
using cancel_srv = typename actionT::Impl::CancelGoalService

Public Functions

void register_action()
rclcpp_action::GoalResponse handleGoal(const rclcpp_action::GoalUUID &uuid, std::shared_ptr<const typename actionT::Goal> goal)
rclcpp_action::CancelResponse handleCancel(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle)
void handleAccepted(const std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle)
BehaviorServer(const std::string &name, const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options = rclcpp::NodeOptions())
virtual bool on_activate(std::shared_ptr<const typename actionT::Goal> goal)
virtual bool on_modify(std::shared_ptr<const typename actionT::Goal> goal)
virtual bool on_deactivate(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message)
virtual bool on_pause(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message)
virtual bool on_resume(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message)
inline virtual void on_execution_end(const ExecutionStatus &state)
virtual ExecutionStatus on_run(const typename std::shared_ptr<const typename actionT::Goal> &goal, typename std::shared_ptr<typename actionT::Feedback> &feedback_msg, typename std::shared_ptr<typename actionT::Result> &result_msg)
bool activate(std::shared_ptr<const typename actionT::Goal> goal)
void modify(std::shared_ptr<const typename actionT::Goal> goal)
void deactivate(const typename std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Request::SharedPtr goal, typename std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response::SharedPtr result)
void pause(const typename std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Request::SharedPtr goal, typename std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response::SharedPtr result)
void resume(const typename std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Request::SharedPtr goal, typename std_srvs::srv::Trigger::Response::SharedPtr result)
void run(const typename std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> &goal_handle_action)
inline void timer_callback()
void publish_behavior_status()

Public Members

std::string action_name_
rclcpp_action::Server<actionT>::SharedPtr action_server_
std::shared_ptr<GoalHandleAction> goal_handle_
as2_msgs::msg::BehaviorStatus behavior_status_

Private Functions

std::string generate_name(const std::string &name)
void register_service_servers()
void register_publishers()
void register_timers()
void register_run_timer()
void cleanup_run_timer(const ExecutionStatus &status)

Private Members

rclcpp::Service<start_srv>::SharedPtr start_srv_
rclcpp::Service<modify_srv>::SharedPtr modify_srv_
rclcpp::Service<std_srvs::srv::Trigger>::SharedPtr stop_srv_
rclcpp::Service<std_srvs::srv::Trigger>::SharedPtr pause_srv_
rclcpp::Service<std_srvs::srv::Trigger>::SharedPtr resume_srv_
rclcpp::Publisher<feedback_msg>::SharedPtr feedback_pub_
rclcpp::Publisher<goal_status_msg>::SharedPtr goal_status_pub_
rclcpp::Publisher<BehaviorStatus>::SharedPtr behavior_status_pub_
rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr behavior_status_timer_
rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr run_timer_
template<class ActionT>
class BtActionNode : public BT::ActionNodeBase
#include <bt_action_node.hpp>

Abstract class representing an action based BT node.

Template Parameters:

ActionT – Type of action

Public Functions

inline BtActionNode(const std::string &xml_tag_name, const std::string &action_name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &conf)

A nav2_behavior_tree::BtActionNode constructor.

  • xml_tag_name – Name for the XML tag for this node

  • action_name – Action name this node creates a client for

  • conf – BT node configuration

BtActionNode() = delete
inline virtual ~BtActionNode()
inline void createActionClient(const std::string &action_name)

Create instance of an action client.


action_name – Action name to create client for

inline virtual void on_tick()

Function to perform some user-defined operation on tick Could do dynamic checks, such as getting updates to values on the blackboard.

inline virtual void on_wait_for_result(std::shared_ptr<const typename ActionT::Feedback>)

Function to perform some user-defined operation after a timeout waiting for a result that hasn’t been received yet. Also provides access to the latest feedback message from the action server. Feedback will be nullptr in subsequent calls to this function if no new feedback is received while waiting for a result.


feedback – shared_ptr to latest feedback message, nullptr if no new feedback was received

inline virtual BT::NodeStatus on_success()

Function to perform some user-defined operation upon successful completion of the action. Could put a value on the blackboard.


BT::NodeStatus Returns SUCCESS by default, user may override return another value

inline virtual BT::NodeStatus on_aborted()

Function to perform some user-defined operation whe the action is aborted.


BT::NodeStatus Returns FAILURE by default, user may override return another value

inline virtual BT::NodeStatus on_cancelled()

Function to perform some user-defined operation when the action is cancelled.


BT::NodeStatus Returns SUCCESS by default, user may override return another value

inline BT::NodeStatus tick() override

The main override required by a BT action.


BT::NodeStatus Status of tick execution

inline void halt() override

The other (optional) override required by a BT action. In this case, we make sure to cancel the ROS2 action if it is still running.

Public Static Functions

static inline BT::PortsList providedBasicPorts(BT::PortsList addition)

Any subclass of BtActionNode that accepts parameters must provide a providedPorts method and call providedBasicPorts in it.


addition – Additional ports to add to BT port list


BT::PortsList Containing basic ports along with node-specific ports

static inline BT::PortsList providedPorts()

Creates list of BT ports.


BT::PortsList Containing basic ports along with node-specific ports

Protected Functions

inline bool should_cancel_goal()

Function to check if current goal should be cancelled.


bool True if current goal should be cancelled, false otherwise

inline void send_new_goal()

Function to send new goal to action server.

inline void result_callback(const typename rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<ActionT>::WrappedResult &result)
inline bool is_future_goal_handle_complete(std::chrono::milliseconds &elapsed)

Function to check if the action server acknowledged a new goal.


elapsed – Duration since the last goal was sent and future goal handle has not completed. After waiting for the future to complete, this value is incremented with the timeout value.


boolean True if future_goal_handle_ returns SUCCESS, False otherwise

inline void increment_recovery_count()

Function to increment recovery count on blackboard if this node wraps a recovery.

Protected Attributes

std::string action_name_
std::shared_ptr<rclcpp_action::Client<ActionT>> action_client_
ActionT::Goal goal_
bool goal_updated_ = {false}
bool goal_result_available_ = {false}
rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<ActionT>::SharedPtr goal_handle_
rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<ActionT>::WrappedResult result_
std::shared_ptr<const typename ActionT::Feedback> feedback_
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr node_
rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr callback_group_
rclcpp::executors::SingleThreadedExecutor callback_group_executor_
std::chrono::milliseconds server_timeout_
std::chrono::milliseconds bt_loop_duration_
std::shared_ptr<std::shared_future<typename rclcpp_action::ClientGoalHandle<ActionT>::SharedPtr>> future_goal_handle_
rclcpp::Time time_goal_sent_
template<class ServiceT>
class BtServiceNode : public BT::ActionNodeBase

Abstract class representing a service based BT node.

Template Parameters:

ServiceT – Type of service

Public Functions

inline BtServiceNode(const std::string &service_node_name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &conf)

A nav2_behavior_tree::BtServiceNode constructor.

  • service_node_name – Service name this node creates a client for

  • conf – BT node configuration

BtServiceNode() = delete
inline virtual ~BtServiceNode()
inline BT::NodeStatus tick() override

The main override required by a BT service.


BT::NodeStatus Status of tick execution

inline void halt() override

The other (optional) override required by a BT service.

inline virtual void on_tick()

Function to perform some user-defined operation on tick Fill in service request with information if necessary.

inline virtual BT::NodeStatus on_completion(std::shared_ptr<typename ServiceT::Response>)

Function to perform some user-defined operation upon successful completion of the service. Could put a value on the blackboard.


response – can be used to get the result of the service call in the BT Node.


BT::NodeStatus Returns SUCCESS by default, user may override to return another value

inline virtual BT::NodeStatus check_future()

Check the future and decide the status of BT.


BT::NodeStatus SUCCESS if future complete before timeout, FAILURE otherwise

inline virtual void on_wait_for_result()

Function to perform some user-defined operation after a timeout waiting for a result that hasn’t been received yet.

Public Static Functions

static inline BT::PortsList providedBasicPorts(BT::PortsList addition)

Any subclass of BtServiceNode that accepts parameters must provide a providedPorts method and call providedBasicPorts in it.


addition – Additional ports to add to BT port list


BT::PortsList Containing basic ports along with node-specific ports

static inline BT::PortsList providedPorts()

Creates list of BT ports.


BT::PortsList Containing basic ports along with node-specific ports

Protected Functions

inline void increment_recovery_count()

Function to increment recovery count on blackboard if this node wraps a recovery.

Protected Attributes

std::string service_name_
std::string service_node_name_
std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::Client<ServiceT>> service_client_
std::shared_ptr<typename ServiceT::Request> request_
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr node_
rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr callback_group_
rclcpp::executors::SingleThreadedExecutor callback_group_executor_
std::chrono::milliseconds server_timeout_
std::chrono::milliseconds bt_loop_duration_
std::shared_future<typename ServiceT::Response::SharedPtr> future_result_
bool request_sent_ = {false}
rclcpp::Time sent_time_
template<typename T>
class BucketPrioQueue
#include <bucketedqueue.h>

Priority queue for integer coordinates with squared distances as priority.

A priority queue that uses buckets to group elements with the same priority. The individual buckets are unsorted, which increases efficiency if these groups are large. The elements are assumed to be integer coordinates, and the priorities are assumed to be squared Euclidean distances (integers).

Public Functions


Standard constructor.

Standard constructor. When called for the first time it creates a look up table that maps square distances to bucket numbers, which might take some time…

inline void clear()
bool empty()

Checks whether the Queue is empty.

void push(int prio, T t)

push an element

T pop()

return and pop the element with the lowest squared distance */

inline int size()
inline int getNumBuckets()
inline int getTopPriority()

Private Types

typedef std::map<int, std::queue<T>> BucketType

Private Members

int count
BucketType buckets
BucketType::iterator nextPop
class Camera : public as2::sensors::TFStatic, protected as2::sensors::GenericSensor
#include <sensor.hpp>

Class to handle the camera sensor.

Public Functions

Camera(as2::Node *node_ptr, const std::string &prefix = "", const float pub_freq = -1.0f, bool add_sensor_measurements_base = true, const std::string &camera_link = "camera_link")

Construct a new Camera object.

  • node_ptr – Pointer to the node

  • prefix – ROS 2 parameter prefix. If not using ROS 2 parameters, give the camera name (e.g. “camera_front”)

  • pub_freq – Frequency to publish the data (-1 to publish every time updateData is called)

  • add_sensor_measurements_base – Add “sensor_measurements” to the topic name

  • info_name – Name of the camera info topic. Default is “camera_info”

  • camera_link – Name of the camera link frame id. Default is “camera_link”

inline Camera(const std::string &prefix, as2::Node *node_ptr, const float pub_freq = -1.0f, bool add_sensor_measurements_base = true, const std::string &camera_link = "camera_link")

Construct a new Camera object. DEPRECATED.

  • prefix – ROS 2 parameter prefix. If not using ROS 2 parameters, give the camera name (e.g. “camera_front”)

  • node_ptr – Pointer to the node

  • pub_freq – Frequency to publish the data (-1 to publish every time updateData is called)

  • add_sensor_measurements_base – Add “sensor_measurements” to the topic name

  • info_name – Name of the camera info topic. Default is “camera_info”

  • camera_link – Name of the camera link frame id. Default is “camera_link”

inline void setParameters(const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo &camera_info, const std::string &encoding, const std::string &camera_model = "pinhole")

Set Camera parameters. DEPRECATED.

  • camera_infoCamera info message

  • encoding – Encoding of the camera

  • camera_modelCamera model. Default is “pinhole”

virtual ~Camera()

Destroy the Camera object.

void updateData(const sensor_msgs::msg::Image &img)

Update the data of the camera.


img – Image message

void updateData(const cv::Mat &img)

Update the data of the camera.


img – Image message

void setCameraInfo(const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo &camera_info)

Set camera info parameters.


camera_infoCamera info message

void setCameraLinkTransform(const std::string &parent_frame_id, const float x, const float y, const float z, const float roll, const float pitch, const float yaw)

Set camera link frame transformation relative to the parent frame.

  • parent_frame_id – Parent frame ID (e.g. base_link)

  • x – X position (m)

  • y – Y position (m)

  • z – Z position (m)

  • roll – Roll (rad)

  • pitch – Pitch (rad)

  • yaw – Yaw (rad)

void setEncoding(const std::string &encoding)

Set camera encoding.


encoding – Encoding of the camera

void readCameraInfoFromROSParameters(const std::string &prefix = "")

Read camera info from ROS parameters.

  • node_ptr – Pointer to the node

  • prefix – ROS 2 parameter prefix. By default is “”

void readCameraTranformFromROSParameters(const std::string &prefix = "")

Read camera transform from ROS parameters.

  • node_ptr – Pointer to the node

  • prefix – ROS 2 parameter prefix. By default is “”

Private Functions

void setup()

Setup the camera info.

virtual void publishData()

Publish the data in a topic.

std::string processParametersPrefix(const std::string &prefix)

Process the parameters prefix If not empty and not ending with a dot, add a dot at the end.


prefix – Prefix


std::string Processed prefix

template<std::size_t N>
inline bool convertVectorToArray(const std::vector<double> &vec, std::array<double, N> &array)

Convert a vector to an array.

  • vec – Vector to convert.

  • array – Array to store the data.


true If the conversion was successful.

Private Members

as2::Node *node_ptr_ = nullptr
std::string camera_base_topic_
bool setup_ = false
std::string encoding_ = "rgb8"
std::string camera_name_
std::shared_ptr<image_transport::CameraPublisher> it_camera_publisher_ptr_
sensor_msgs::msg::Image image_data_
sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo camera_info_
class CellNode
#include <cell_node.hpp>

CellNode class, a node in a grid.

Public Functions

inline CellNode(const Point2i &coordinates, const CellNodePtr &parent_ptr, double g_cost, double h_cost = 0)

Constructor for CellNode class.

  • coordinates – coordinates of the cell

  • parent_ptr – parent node

  • g_cost – cost to reach this node

  • h_cost – heuristic cost to reach the goal

inline void set_g_cost(double g_cost)
inline Point2i coordinates()
inline int x()
inline int y()
inline CellNodePtr parent_ptr()
inline double get_g_cost()
inline double get_h_cost()
inline double get_total_cost()

Protected Attributes

double g_cost_
double h_cost_

Private Members

Point2i coordinates_
CellNodePtr parent_ptr_
struct Control_flags

Public Members

bool parameters_read = false
bool state_received = false
bool ref_received = false
struct Control_flags

Public Members

bool state_received = false
bool ref_received = false
bool plugin_parameters_read = false
bool position_controller_parameters_read = false
bool velocity_controller_parameters_read = false
bool speed_in_a_plane_controller_parameters_read = false
bool trajectory_controller_parameters_read = false
bool yaw_controller_parameters_read = false
class ControllerBase

Subclassed by differential_flatness_controller::Plugin, pid_speed_controller::Plugin

Public Functions

inline ControllerBase()
inline void initialize(as2::Node *node_ptr)
inline virtual void ownInitialize()
virtual void updateState(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &pose_msg, const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped &twist_msg) = 0
inline virtual void updateReference(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &ref)
inline virtual void updateReference(const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped &ref)
inline virtual void updateReference(const as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints &ref)
inline virtual void updateReference(const as2_msgs::msg::Thrust &ref)
virtual bool computeOutput(double dt, geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &pose, geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped &twist, as2_msgs::msg::Thrust &thrust) = 0
virtual bool setMode(const as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &mode_in, const as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &mode_out) = 0
virtual bool updateParams(const std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> &_params_list) = 0
virtual void reset() = 0
inline virtual std::string getDesiredPoseFrameId()
inline virtual std::string getDesiredTwistFrameId()
inline virtual ~ControllerBase()

Protected Functions

inline as2::Node *getNodePtr()

Protected Attributes

as2::Node *node_ptr_
class ControllerHandler

Public Functions

ControllerHandler(std::shared_ptr<as2_motion_controller_plugin_base::ControllerBase> controller, as2::Node *node)
inline virtual ~ControllerHandler()
rcl_interfaces::msg::SetParametersResult parametersCallback(const std::vector<rclcpp::Parameter> &parameters)
void getMode(as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &mode_in, as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &mode_out)
void setInputControlModesAvailables(const std::vector<uint8_t> &available_modes)
void setOutputControlModesAvailables(const std::vector<uint8_t> &available_modes)
void reset()

Protected Attributes

as2::Node *node_ptr_

Private Functions

void stateCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::SharedPtr msg)
void refPoseCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped::SharedPtr msg)
void refTwistCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::SharedPtr msg)
void refTrajCallback(const as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints::SharedPtr msg)
void refThrustCallback(const as2_msgs::msg::Thrust::SharedPtr msg)
void platformInfoCallback(const as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo::SharedPtr msg)
void setControlModeSrvCall(const as2_msgs::srv::SetControlMode::Request::SharedPtr request, as2_msgs::srv::SetControlMode::Response::SharedPtr response)
bool listPlatformAvailableControlModes()
void controlTimerCallback()
std::string getFrameIdByReferenceFrame(uint8_t reference_frame)
bool findSuitableOutputControlModeForPlatformInputMode(uint8_t &output_mode, const uint8_t input_mode)
bool checkSuitabilityInputMode(uint8_t &input_mode, const uint8_t output_mode)
bool setPlatformControlMode(const as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode &mode)
bool findSuitableControlModes(uint8_t &input_mode, uint8_t &output_mode)
bool trySetPlatformHover()
bool tryToBypassController(const uint8_t input_mode, uint8_t &output_mode)
void sendCommand()
void publishCommand()

Private Members

std::vector<uint8_t> controller_available_modes_in_
std::vector<uint8_t> controller_available_modes_out_
std::vector<uint8_t> platform_available_modes_in_
std::string enu_frame_id_ = "odom"
std::string flu_frame_id_ = "base_link"
std::string input_pose_frame_id_ = "odom"
std::string input_twist_frame_id_ = "odom"
std::string output_pose_frame_id_ = "odom"
std::string output_twist_frame_id_ = "odom"
as2::tf::TfHandler tf_handler_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr twist_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr ref_pose_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr ref_twist_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints>::SharedPtr ref_traj_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::Thrust>::SharedPtr ref_thrust_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo>::SharedPtr platform_info_sub_
rclcpp::Publisher<as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints>::SharedPtr trajectory_pub_
rclcpp::Publisher<as2_msgs::msg::Thrust>::SharedPtr thrust_pub_
rclcpp::Publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped>::SharedPtr pose_pub_
rclcpp::Publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr twist_pub_
rclcpp::Service<as2_msgs::srv::SetControlMode>::SharedPtr set_control_mode_srv_
as2::SynchronousServiceClient<as2_msgs::srv::SetControlMode>::SharedPtr set_control_mode_client_
as2::SynchronousServiceClient<as2_msgs::srv::ListControlModes>::SharedPtr list_control_modes_client_
rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr control_timer_
bool control_mode_established_ = false
bool motion_reference_adquired_ = false
bool state_adquired_ = false
bool use_bypass_ = false
bool bypass_controller_ = false
std::chrono::nanoseconds tf_timeout_ = TF_TIMEOUT
uint8_t prefered_output_mode_ = 0b00000000
rclcpp::Time last_time_
as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo platform_info_
as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode control_mode_in_
as2_msgs::msg::ControlMode control_mode_out_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped state_pose_
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped state_twist_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped ref_pose_
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped ref_twist_
as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints ref_traj_
as2_msgs::msg::Thrust ref_thrust_
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped command_pose_
geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped command_twist_
as2_msgs::msg::Thrust command_thrust_
std::shared_ptr<as2_motion_controller_plugin_base::ControllerBase> controller_ptr_
class ControllerManager : public as2::Node

Public Functions

explicit ControllerManager(const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options = rclcpp::NodeOptions())

Public Members

double cmd_freq_

Private Functions

void configAvailableControlModes(const std::filesystem::path project_path)
void modeTimerCallback()

Private Members

double info_freq_
std::filesystem::path plugin_name_
std::filesystem::path available_modes_config_file_
std::shared_ptr<pluginlib::ClassLoader<as2_motion_controller_plugin_base::ControllerBase>> loader_
std::shared_ptr<controller_handler::ControllerHandler> controller_handler_
std::shared_ptr<as2_motion_controller_plugin_base::ControllerBase> controller_
rclcpp::Publisher<as2_msgs::msg::ControllerInfo>::SharedPtr mode_pub_
rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr mode_timer_

Private Static Functions

static rclcpp::NodeOptions get_modified_options(const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options)

Modify the node options to allow undeclared parameters.

struct dataCell

Public Members

float dist
char voronoi
char queueing
int obstX
int obstY
bool needsRaise
int sqdist
class DetectArucoMarkersBehavior : public as2_behavior::BehaviorServer<as2_msgs::action::DetectArucoMarkers>

Public Functions


Construct a new Aruco Detector object.

inline ~DetectArucoMarkersBehavior()

Destroy the Aruco Detector object.

void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::msg::Image::SharedPtr img)
void camerainfoCallback(const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo::SharedPtr info)

Private Functions

void loadParameters()
void setup()
void setCameraParameters(const sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo &_camera_info)
bool checkIdIsTarget(const int _id)
bool on_activate(std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::DetectArucoMarkers::Goal> goal) override

As2 Behavior methods

bool on_modify(std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::DetectArucoMarkers::Goal> goal) override
virtual bool on_deactivate(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message) override
virtual bool on_pause(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message) override
virtual bool on_resume(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message) override
as2_behavior::ExecutionStatus on_run(const std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::DetectArucoMarkers::Goal> &goal, std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::action::DetectArucoMarkers::Feedback> &feedback_msg, std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::action::DetectArucoMarkers::Result> &result_msg) override
virtual void on_execution_end(const as2_behavior::ExecutionStatus &state) override

Private Members

rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Image>::SharedPtr cam_image_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo>::SharedPtr cam_info_sub_
rclcpp::Publisher<as2_msgs::msg::PoseStampedWithID>::SharedPtr aruco_pose_pub_
std::shared_ptr<as2::sensors::Camera> aruco_img_transport_
std::vector<uint16_t> target_ids_
float aruco_size_
std::string camera_model_
std::string distorsion_model_
bool camera_qos_reliable_
bool camera_params_available_
cv::Mat camera_matrix_
cv::Mat dist_coeffs_
cv::Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> aruco_dict_
std::string img_encoding_
std::string camera_image_topic_ = "camera/image_raw"
std::string camera_info_topic_ = "camera/camera_info"
class DisarmService : public nav2_behavior_tree::BtServiceNode<std_srvs::srv::SetBool>

Public Functions

DisarmService(const std::string &xml_tag_name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &conf)
virtual void on_tick() override

Function to perform some user-defined operation on tick Fill in service request with information if necessary.

BT::NodeStatus on_completion(std::shared_ptr<std_srvs::srv::SetBool::Response> response)
class DynamicPolynomialTrajectoryGenerator : public as2_behavior::BehaviorServer<as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory>

Public Functions

DynamicPolynomialTrajectoryGenerator(const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options = rclcpp::NodeOptions())
inline ~DynamicPolynomialTrajectoryGenerator()

Private Functions

bool on_activate(std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Goal> goal) override

As2 Behavior methods

bool on_modify(std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Goal> goal) override
virtual bool on_deactivate(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message) override
virtual bool on_pause(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message) override
virtual bool on_resume(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message) override
as2_behavior::ExecutionStatus on_run(const std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Goal> &goal, std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Feedback> &feedback_msg, std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Result> &result_msg) override
virtual void on_execution_end(const as2_behavior::ExecutionStatus &state) override
void stateCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped::SharedPtr msg)

Topic Callbacks

void yawCallback(const std_msgs::msg::Float32::SharedPtr _msg)
void modifyWaypointCallback(const as2_msgs::msg::PoseStampedWithID::SharedPtr _msg)

For faster waypoint modified

void setup()

Trajectory generator functions

bool goalToDynamicWaypoint(std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Goal> goal, dynamic_traj_generator::DynamicWaypoint::Vector &waypoints)
bool evaluateTrajectory(double eval_time)
bool evaluateSetpoint(double eval_time, as2_msgs::msg::TrajectoryPoint &trajectory_command)
double computeYawAnglePathFacing(double vx, double vy)
void plotTrajectory()

Debug functions

void plotTrajectoryThread()
void plotRefTrajPoint()

Private Members

rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped>::SharedPtr state_sub_


rclcpp::Subscription<std_msgs::msg::Float32>::SharedPtr yaw_sub_
rclcpp::Subscription<as2_msgs::msg::PoseStampedWithID>::SharedPtr mod_waypoint_sub_
std::shared_ptr<dynamic_traj_generator::DynamicTrajectory> trajectory_generator_

Dynamic trajectory generator library

as2::motionReferenceHandlers::HoverMotion hover_motion_handler_


as2::motionReferenceHandlers::TrajectoryMotion trajectory_motion_handler_
as2::tf::TfHandler tf_handler_
std::chrono::nanoseconds tf_timeout_


std::string desired_frame_id_
int sampling_n_ = 1
double sampling_dt_ = 0.0
as2_msgs::msg::YawMode yaw_mode_
as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Goal goal_
as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Feedback feedback_
as2_msgs::action::GeneratePolynomialTrajectory::Result result_
bool has_yaw_from_topic_ = false
float yaw_from_topic_ = 0.0f
float init_yaw_angle_ = 0.0f
Eigen::Vector3d current_position_
double current_yaw_
as2_msgs::msg::TrajectorySetpoints trajectory_command_
rclcpp::Duration eval_time_ = rclcpp::Duration(0, 0)
rclcpp::Time time_zero_
bool first_run_ = false
bool has_odom_ = false
bool enable_debug_ = true
std::thread plot_thread_
rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr path_pub_

For debuging Debug publishers

rclcpp::Publisher<visualization_msgs::msg::Marker>::SharedPtr ref_point_pub
class DynamicVoronoi
#include <dynamicvoronoi.h>

A DynamicVoronoi object computes and updates a distance map and Voronoi diagram.

Public Functions

void initializeEmpty(int _sizeX, int _sizeY, bool initGridMap = true)

Initialization with an empty map.

void initializeMap(int _sizeX, int _sizeY, bool **_gridMap)

Initialization with a given binary map (false==free, true==occupied)

void occupyCell(int x, int y)

add an obstacle at the specified cell coordinate

void clearCell(int x, int y)

remove an obstacle at the specified cell coordinate

void exchangeObstacles(std::vector<INTPOINT> &newObstacles)

remove old dynamic obstacles and add the new ones

void update(bool updateRealDist = true)

update distance map and Voronoi diagram to reflect the changes

void prune()

prune the Voronoi diagram

void updateAlternativePrunedDiagram()

prune the Voronoi diagram by globally revisiting all Voronoi nodes. Takes more time but gives a more sparsely pruned Voronoi graph. You need to call this after every call to udpate()

inline int **alternativePrunedDiagram()

retrieve the alternatively pruned diagram. see updateAlternativePrunedDiagram()

int getNumVoronoiNeighborsAlternative(int x, int y)

retrieve the number of neighbors that are Voronoi nodes (4-connected)

bool isVoronoiAlternative(int x, int y)

returns whether the specified cell is part of the alternatively pruned diagram. See updateAlternativePrunedDiagram.

float getDistance(int x, int y)

returns the obstacle distance at the specified location

bool isVoronoi(int x, int y)

returns whether the specified cell is part of the (pruned) Voronoi graph

bool isOccupied(int x, int y)

checks whether the specficied location is occupied

void visualize(const char *filename = "result.ppm")

write the current distance map and voronoi diagram as ppm file

inline unsigned int getSizeX()

returns the horizontal size of the workspace/map

inline unsigned int getSizeY()

returns the vertical size of the workspace/map

Private Types

enum State


enumerator voronoiKeep
enumerator freeQueued
enumerator voronoiRetry
enumerator voronoiPrune
enumerator free
enumerator occupied
enum QueueingState


enumerator fwNotQueued
enumerator fwQueued
enumerator fwProcessed
enumerator bwQueued
enumerator bwProcessed
enum ObstDataState


enumerator invalidObstData
enum markerMatchResult


enumerator pruned
enumerator keep
enumerator retry

Private Functions

void setObstacle(int x, int y)
void removeObstacle(int x, int y)
inline void checkVoro(int x, int y, int nx, int ny, dataCell &c, dataCell &nc)
void recheckVoro()
void commitAndColorize(bool updateRealDist = true)
inline void reviveVoroNeighbors(int &x, int &y)
inline bool isOccupied(int &x, int &y, dataCell &c)
inline markerMatchResult markerMatch(int x, int y)
inline bool markerMatchAlternative(int x, int y)
inline int getVoronoiPruneValence(int x, int y)

Private Members

BucketPrioQueue<INTPOINT> open
std::queue<INTPOINT> pruneQueue
BucketPrioQueue<INTPOINT> sortedPruneQueue
std::vector<INTPOINT> removeList
std::vector<INTPOINT> addList
std::vector<INTPOINT> lastObstacles
int sizeY
int sizeX
dataCell **data
bool **gridMap
bool allocatedGridMap
int padding
double doubleThreshold
double sqrt2
int **alternativeDiagram
class Echo : public BT::SyncActionNode

Public Functions

Echo(const std::string &xml_tag_name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &conf)
BT::NodeStatus tick() override

Public Static Functions

static inline BT::PortsList providedPorts()

Private Members

rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr node_
struct follow_path_plugin_params

Public Members

double follow_path_speed = 0.0
double follow_path_threshold = 0.0
double tf_timeout_threshold = 0.0
class FollowPathAction : public nav2_behavior_tree::BtActionNode<as2_msgs::action::FollowPath>

Public Functions

inline FollowPathAction(const std::string &xml_tag_name, const BT::NodeConfiguration &conf)
inline virtual void on_tick()

Function to perform some user-defined operation on tick Could do dynamic checks, such as getting updates to values on the blackboard.

inline void on_wait_for_result(std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::FollowPath::Feedback> feedback)

Public Static Functions

static inline BT::PortsList providedPorts()

Private Members

std::vector<as2_msgs::msg::PoseWithID> path_
double max_speed_
int yaw_mode_
class FollowPathBase

Subclassed by follow_path_plugin_position::Plugin, follow_path_plugin_trajectory::Plugin

Public Types

using GoalHandleFollowPath = rclcpp_action::ServerGoalHandle<as2_msgs::action::FollowPath>

Public Functions

inline FollowPathBase()
inline virtual ~FollowPathBase()
inline void initialize(as2::Node *node_ptr, std::shared_ptr<as2::tf::TfHandler> tf_handler, follow_path_plugin_params &params)
inline virtual void state_callback(geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &pose_msg, geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped &twist_msg)
inline void platform_info_callback(const as2_msgs::msg::PlatformInfo::SharedPtr msg)
inline bool on_activate(std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::FollowPath::Goal> goal)
inline bool on_modify(std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::FollowPath::Goal> goal)
inline bool on_deactivate(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message)
inline bool on_pause(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message)
inline bool on_resume(const std::shared_ptr<std::string> &message)
inline void on_execution_end(const as2_behavior::ExecutionStatus &state)
inline virtual as2_behavior::ExecutionStatus on_run(const std::shared_ptr<const as2_msgs::action::FollowPath::Goal> goal, std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::action::FollowPath::Feedback> &feedback_msg, std::shared_ptr<as2_msgs::action::FollowPath::Result> &result_msg)

Protected Functions

inline virtual void ownInit()
virtual bool own_activate(as2_msgs::action::FollowPath::Goal &goal) = 0