Setting Up Visual Studio Code

A set of tools can be configured on Visual Studio Code to help adjusting your code to the Aerostack2 Code Style guidelines during the development proccess.

Install required Extensions

Install the following required extensions from the ‘Extensions’ tab in VSCode:

  • zachflower.uncrustify

  • mine.cpplint

  • ms-python.autopep8

  • ms-python.pylint

Modify ‘settings.json’

Open your settings.json file from VSCode and add the following content to it:

// cpp
"[cpp]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "zachflower.uncrustify",
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.fixAll": "explicit"
    "editor.formatOnSave": true
"uncrustify.configPath.linux": "<path-to>/.uncrustify.cfg",

// cpplint
"cpplint.cpplintPath": "<path-to-bin>/cpplint",
"cpplint.lineLength": 100,
"cpplint.verbose": 0,
"cpplint.filters": [
    // header guards are user defined
    // we do allow C++11
    // we consider passing non-const references to be ok
    // we wrap open curly braces for namespaces, classes and functions
    // we don't indent keywords like public, protected and private with one space
    // we allow closing parenthesis to be on the next line
    // we allow the developer to decide about whitespace after a semicolon

// python
"[python]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.autopep8",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
"autopep8.args": ["--max-line-length=99", "--ignore=''"],

// ROS2 HUMBLE uses as a linter flake8==4.0.1 (apt installation). Pip installation should be
// at the same version to avoid errors. pycodestyle==2.8.0 is also required.
// vscode flake8 extension requires at least flake8 v5.0.0. Pylint extension is used
// instead with identical configuration.
"pylint.args": ["--disable=B902,C816,D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D105,D106,D107,D203,D212,D404,I202",
                "--max-line-length=99", "--import-order-style=google", "--show-source=true",

Newer versions of ROS 2 include upgraded flake8 (in ament_flake8), so it is preferable to use flake8 from VSCode too instead of pylint. To do so, use, instead of the ‘pylint.args’ settings, the following settings:

// flake8
"flake8.args": ["--extend-ignore=B902,C816,D100,D101,D102,D103,D104,D105,D106,D107,D203,D212,D404,I202",
                "--import-order-style=google", "--max-line-length=99", "--show-source=true",

Set Configuration Variables

Create ‘.uncrustify.config’ file

To set the ‘uncrustify.configPath.linux’ variable, go to any directory and create a file with the name .uncrustify.config and paste in it the content of the following file.

As a recommendation, the file can be created in the ‘Code’ folder that should be placed in the ‘.config’ directory (~/.config/Code).

Copy the path to the created file to the ‘uncrustify.configPath.linux’ variable in your ‘settings.json’ file.

Install and Set ‘cpplint’

Make sure you have installed cpplint. If not, install it by running:

pip install --user cpplint

Once it is installed, copy the path to the package binaries to the variable ‘cpplint.cpplintPath’ in your ‘settings.json’ file.