Robot Behaviors

In this section, we give a list of behaviors that has been implemented in Aerostack2. For more information about what a behavior is, please refer to the Behaviors section, and how work on Aerostack2 architecture in the Behaviors section.

Motion Behaviors

Motion Behaviors




Take Off

Change the state of the aircraft from landed to flying. For that, the aircraft must be armed and in offboard mode

Height: desired take off height from the starting point, in meters (m)
Speed: desired take off speed movement, in meters per second (m/s)


Change the state of the aircraft from flying to landed. Also disarm it

Speed: desired landing speed movement, in meters per second (m/s)

Go To

Move the aircraft to a given position in the desired frame

Yaw: desired mode
Target pose: desired position in the desired frame, in meters (m)
Max speed: desired speed movement, in meters per second (m/s)

Follow Path

Move the aircraft along a given path in the desired frame

Header: desired frame of the path
Yaw: desired mode
Path: desired path with a list of poses with id.
Max speed: desired speed movement, in meters per second (m/s)

Follow Reference

Keep the aircraft at given pose reference in the desired frame

Frame id: desired frame of the reference
Yaw: desired mode
Target reference: desired pose reference in the given frame.
Max speed: desired speed movement in each of the axis, in meters per second (m/s)

Perception Behaviors

Perception Behaviors




Detect ArUco Markers

Detect ArUco Markers in a image and publish the result.

Target ids: list of id of the markers to detect

Trajectory Generation Behaviors

Trajectory Generation Behaviors




Generate Polynomial Trajectory

Convert a list of waypoints to a trajectory

Header: desired frame of the path
Yaw: desired mode
Path: desired path with a list of poses with id.
Max speed: desired speed movement, in meters per second (m/s)