Bitcraze Crazyflie
Crazyflie 2.1 by Bitcraze can be found here

First thing to do is to configure your Crazyflie(s). In order to do that, please follow these steps:
Install the cfclient.
Setup UDEV permissions for using the Crazyradio.
Perform a firmware upgrade.
Configure the radio address for your crazyflie. To do this, connect your crazyflie, then open “Connect->Configure 2.X” to open the address configuration dialog. Please use a different address for each crazyflie to be used in a swarm.
These steps are meant to be done once.
Install platform package
For binary installation, install by running:
sudo apt install ros-humble-as2-platform-crazyflie
For source installation, follow the steps below:
# If you have installed Aerostack2 from sources we recommend to clone the package in the src folder of your workspace otherwise you can clone it in any ROS 2 workspace you want.
cd ~/aerostack2_ws/src/aerostack2/as2_aerial_platforms
git clone
cd ~/aerostack2_ws
rosdep install as2_platform_crazyflie --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build --packages-up-to as2_platform_crazyflie
Aerostack2 Common Interface
For more details about platform control modes and sensors, see Aerostack2 Aerial Platform Concepts.
Control Modes
These are supported control modes:
Control Mode |
Yaw Mode |
Reference Frame |
Hover |
None |
None |
Speed |
Speed |
Speed in a plane |
Speed |
These are supported sensors:
Sensor |
Topic |
Type |
Odometry |
sensor_measurements/odom |
nav_msgs/Odometry |
sensor_measurements/imu |
sensor_msgs/Imu |
Battery |
sensor_measurements/battery |
sensor_msgs/BatteryState |
Platform Launch
In order to map the adresses of the crazyflie(s) we just configured to the input adresses of the platfom, we need to use a .yaml
configuration file with the format as the following example:
uri: radio://0/80/2M/E7E7E7E700
uri: radio://0/80/2M/E7E7E7E701
In this case, we are mapping two Crazyflies with uri’s radio://0/80/2M/E7E7E7E700
and radio://0/80/2M/E7E7E7E701
for namespaces cf0
and cf1
As you can see for the radio id part of the uri, the same Crazyradio is going to be used for both.
Aerostack2 provides a launch file for this platform:
ros2 launch as2_platform_crazyflie
To see all the available parameters, use the ‘-s’ flag to show the description of each parameter in the launch file.