DJI Matrice Series PSDK
DJI Matrice Series using DJI Onboard PSDK has compatibility with DJI M300, DJI M350 and DJI M30.

Refer to the DJI PSDK ROS2 for the harware and software requirements.
Install platform package
For binary installation, install by running:
sudo apt install ros-humble-as2-platform-dji-psdk
For source installation, follow the steps below:
# If you have installed Aerostack2 from sources we recommend to clone the package in the src folder of your workspace otherwise you can clone it in any ROS 2 workspace you want.
cd ~/aerostack2_ws/src/aerostack2/as2_aerial_platforms
git clone
cd ~/aerostack2_ws
rosdep install as2_platform_dji_psdk --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build --packages-up-to as2_platform_dji_psdk
Aerostack2 Common Interface
For more details about platform control modes and sensors, see Aerostack2 Aerial Platform Concepts.
Control Modes
These are supported control modes:
Control Mode |
Yaw Mode |
Reference Frame |
Speed |
Speed |
These are supported sensors:
Sensor |
Topic |
Type |
Odometry |
sensor_measurements/odom |
nav_msgs/Odometry |
sensor_measurements/imu |
sensor_msgs/Imu |
Battery |
sensor_measurements/battery |
sensor_msgs/BatteryState |
sensor_measurements/gps |
sensor_msgs/NavSatFix |
Camera |
sensor_measurements/camera |
sensor_msgs/Image |
Platform Launch
Aerostack2 provides a launch file for this platform:
ros2 launch as2_platform_dji_psdk
Also, ROS 2 PSDK Wrapper must be launched before the platform:
ros2 launch as2_platform_dji_psdk
To see all the available parameters, use the ‘-s’ flag to show the description of each parameter in the launch file.