Multirotor Simulator Example

To install this project, clone the repository:

git clone

To start using this project, please go to the root folder of the project.


The execution will launch the Aerostack2 components.

The flags for the components launcher are:

  • -n <namespace> - namespace for the drone. Default, not specified and uses config/world.yaml configuration. If specified, it uses config/platform_config_file.yaml configuration.

  • -m - multi agent mode. Default is disabled. If specified, it uses config/world_swarm.yaml configuration.

  • -d - launch rviz visualization. If not specified, it does not launch rviz visualization. If specified, it launches rviz visualization with config/tf_visualization.rviz configuration.

  • -e <estimator type> - estimator type. Default is ground_truth. Available options: ground_truth, raw_odometry, raw_odometry_gps. It uses configuration from config/state_estimator*.yaml.

  • -r - record rosbag. Default is disabled. If specified, it records rosbag in rosbag directory.

  • -t - launch keyboard teleoperation. Default is disabled. If specified, it launches keyboard teleoperation.

Single drone

In order to launch the components for a single drone, do:

./launch_as2.bash -d -t

This will open a simulation for a single drone alongside the Aerostack2 components necessary for the mission execution. A window with RViz (argument -d) should popup.

It will also open a keyboard teleoperation (argument -t), which you can use to teleoperate the drone with the aerostack2 keyboard teleoperation user interface.

A window like the following image should popup:


Keyboard teleoperation

To start the mission, execute:


Also, you can try the mission planner, which describes the mission in a JSON format:


To do a clean exit of tmux, execute:


Swarm drones

In order to launch the components for a swarm of 3 drones, do:

./launch_as2.bash -m -t -d

This will open a simulation for a swarm of drones (argument -m) alongside the Aerostack2 components necessary for the mission execution. A window with RViz (argument -d) should popup.

It will also open a keyboard teleoperation (argument -t), which you can use to teleoperate the swarm with the aerostack2 keyboard teleoperation user interface.

A window like the following image should popup:


Keyboard teleoperation

To start the mission, execute:


To do a clean exit of tmux, execute the following command with the list of the used drones:

./stop.bash drone0 drone1 drone2