DJI OSDK Example

These examples use the DJI Platform. You can install it following the instructions in installation section.

To install this project, please clone the repository:

git clone

To start using this project, please go to the root folder of the project.


Available launch arguments are:

  • -e: estimator type. Allowed values [gps_odometry, raw_odometry, mocap]. Default: gps_odometry.

  • -t: launch keyboard teleoperation.

  • -r: record rosbag.

  • -n: use custom dron namespace.

In order to launch the components, do:

  • For the mocap version, do:

./launch_as2.bash -e mocap -t
  • For the odometry indoor version, do:

./launch_as2.bash -e raw_odometry -t
  • For the odometry outdoor version, do:

./launch_as2.bash -e gps_odometry -t


Before launching the components with mocap, it is also necessary to set the file real_config/mocap.yaml. This file will be used by the state estimator mocap plugin to get the ground truth pose coming from our motion capture system into the Aerostack2 common interface localization topics.

To start the mission, execute:


To do a clean exit of tmux, execute the following command:

./stop.bash drone0